Tuesday 4 February 2014

The Viking at Stamford Bridge

The Viking at Stamford Bridge
Digital Painting

"Here a single Norwegian, whose name ought to have been preserved, took post on a bridge, and hewing down more than forty of the English with a battle-axe, his country's weapon, stayed the advance of the whole English army till the ninth hour'. - The Chronicle of Henry of Huntingdon

Saturday 1 February 2014

Nightmare Assassin

Nightmare Assassin
Digital Painting

Another D&D campaign concept.

Sunday 26 January 2014

Sir Vazzok, Lady Tevny and Detective Zandak

Sir Vazzok
Digital Painting

Lady Tevny
Digital Painting

Detective Zandak
Digital Painting

A few in-game handouts for my D&D campaign.

Friday 20 December 2013

Map of Reekleith

Map of Reekleith
Digital Painting

A map of the city of Reekleith, from my d&d setting of Crom Carran.